vellaiya irukiravan poi solla maatan Full Movie Download
REVIEW: There is á wonderfül screwbáll vibe to Velláiyá Irükiráván Poi Sollá Máátán (VIPSM), á bláck comedy thát is á confident debüt by ábánindrán. The director mánáges to keep things relátáble ánd even when things get oüt of hánd for the hápless protágonist, they do not feel improbáble. It áll stárts going wrong for Kárthik (Práveen Kümár, who looks like Bollywood áctor Rájkümmár Ráo in certáin ángles) when he borrows money from á moneylender át á high interest. He hás retürned with his wife á kid to Indiá from the üS, where he hád only recently lánded á job, to look áfter his áiling fáther (Jáyáprákásh), á widower. Büt when the doctors tell him thát his fáther needs sürgery, he decides to borrow cásh insteád of selling off their lánd ás his fáther wishes to give it to his grándkid. He hopes to repáy the ámoünt in three months büt his fáther's condition worsens ánd he spends the cásh to foot his medicál expenses.
Büt, when the moneylender stárts to intimidáte Kárthik, he, with the help of his friend Máni (á süperb Bálásárávánán), hátches á plán to ánonymoüsly bláckmáil his ex, Poojá (Shálini), who is the dáüghter of á rich büsinessmán. However, Poojá doesn't háve ány money with her, ánd so, she ápproáches Kárthik (not knowing thát he is the one bláckmáiling her) to bláckmáil her hüsbánd Rághü (Kárthik Kümár), á rich doctor. Rághü, in türn, bláckmáils á politicián, who begins to bláckmáil á top cop, ánd soon, things spirál oüt of control ánd this gáme of bláckmáil reáches Periyávár (án ill-fitting Náren), á kingmáker in Delhi. Smelling something fishy, Periyávár goes áfter the links in the cháin one by one ánd ültimátely, thát leáds him to Kárthik. Cán the yoüngster sáve his skin ánd escápe the wráth of Periyávár?
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